Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction / Maximillian E. Novak
  • 2. Family, inheritance, and Clarendon's History of the rebellion / Margery Kingsley
  • 3. The interplay of past and present in Dryden's Palamon and Arcite / Paul Hammond
  • 4. Trojan originalism: Dryden's Troilus and Cressida / Elliott Visconsi
  • Canon versus survival in 'ancient music' of the eighteenth century / William Weber
  • A revolution in political economy? / Steven C.A. Pincus
  • 'Wandering ghosts of trade whymsies': projects, gender, commerce, and imagination in the mind of Daniel Defoe / Kimberly Latta
  • Living forever in early modern Europe: Sir Francis Bacon and the project for immortality / David Boyd Haycock
  • Johnson before Boswell in eighteenth-century France: notes toward the impossible project of reclaiming a man of letters / Howard D. Weinbrot
  • Art from nowhere: the academy in Utopia / Albert Boime
  • Composing Westminster Bridge: public improvement and national identity in eighteenth-century London / Alison F. O'Byrne
  • Here comes the son: a Shandean project / Manuel Schonhorn
  • Science, projects, computers, and the state: Swift's Lagadian and Leibniz's Prussian academy / Martin Gierl
  • Geographical projects in the later eighteenth century: imperial myths and realities / Carole Fabricant
  • Forging figures of invention in eighteenth-century Britain / Sarah Tindal Kareem
  • Measure for measure: projectors and the manufacture of enlightenment, 1770-1820 / Larry Stewart.