Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface to the Series; Preface to this Volume; User's Guide; List of Contributors; Table of Abbreviations and Acronyms; General Bibliography; General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); Part I Scope and Definition; Part II General Obligations and Disciplines; Part III Specific Commitments; Part IV Progressive Liberalization; Part V Institutional Provisions; Part VI Final Provisions; Annex on Article II Exemptions (Wolfrum); Annex on Movement of Natural Persons Supplying Services Under the Agreement (Bast); Third Protocol to the GATS (Bast).
  • Annex on Air Transport Services (Köbele)Annex on Financial Services (von Bogdandy & Windsor); Second Annex on Financial Services (von Bogdandy & Windsor); Second Protocol to the GATS (von Bogdandy & Windsor); Fifth Protocol to the GATS (von Bogdandy & Windsor); Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services (von Bogdandy & Windsor); Annex on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services (Parameswaran); Annex on Telecommunications (Gao); Annex on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications (Gao); Fourth Protocol to the GATS (Gao); Telecommunications Services: Reference Paper (Gao); Index.