Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: Toward a minority biblical criticism : framework, contours, dynamics / Randall C. Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia
  • pt. 1. Studies. Section 1. Puncturing objectivity and universality. Reflections in an interethnic/racial era on interethnic-racial marriage in Ezra / Cheryl B. Anderson
  • Exile in the Hebrew Bible : a postcolonial look from the Cuban diaspora / Francisco O. García-Treto
  • "They could not speak the language of Judah" : rereading Nehemiah 13 between Brooklyn and Jerusalem / Jean-Pierre Ruiz
  • What does Manzamar have to do with Eden? : a Japanese American interpretation of Genesis 2-3 / Frank M. Yamada
  • "She stood in tears amid the alien corn" : Ruth, the perpetual foreigner and model minority / Gale A. Yee
  • Paul and ethnic difference in Romans / Jae Won Lee
  • Section 2. Expanding the field. Ancient Ethiopia and the New Testament : ethnic (con)texts and racialized (sub)texts / Gay L. Byron
  • Section 3. Problematizing criticism. Toward Latino/a American biblical criticism : Latin (o/a)ness as problematic / Fernando F. Segovia
  • Section 4. Taking an interdisciplinary turn. That's why they didn't call the book Hadassah!" : the interse(ct)/(x)ionality of race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in the Book of Esther / Randall C. Bailey
  • Queering closets and perverting desires : cross-examining John's engendering and transgendering word across different worlds / Tat-siong Benny Liew
  • "Upon all flesh" : Acts 2, African Americans, and intersectional realities / Demetrius K. Williams
  • pt. 2. Assessments. Incarnate words : images of God and reading practices / Mayra Rivera Rivera
  • Teaching for color consciousness / Evelyn L. Parker
  • The difference that damage makes : reflections of an ethnic studies scholar on the Wabash consultation / James Kyung-Jin Lee
  • Conclusion: Minority biblical criticism : a reflection on achievements and lacunae / Fernando F. Segovia.