
Practical Manual for Botany : Volume-1.

About the Book: This textbook ||Practical Manual for Botany|| [Vol. I] has been written in accordance with the revised common core syllabus for the first year undergraduate students. Each topic has been presented in a simple and concise manner with appropriate diagrams. The contents of the book are...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Margaret, Elizabeth
Otros Autores: Angela, G.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New Delhi : New Age International Pvt. Ltd., Publishers, 2008.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover ; Preface ; Botany Laboratory: General Instructions to Students ; Contents ; Chapter 1-Algae ; 1.1 Introduction ; 1.2 Oscillatoria ; 1.3 Nostoc ; 1.4 Scytonema ; 1.5 Volvox-Colony ; Asexual Reproduction by Daughter Colonies ; Male Colony Showing Antheridia ; Showing Oogonia-Female Colony ; Zygote ; 1.6 Oedogonium ; Vegetative Structure ; Cap Cells ; Vegetative with Hold Fast ; Macrandrous Male ; Macrandrous Female ; Nannandrous Male ; 1.7 Chara ; Vegetative ; Sex Organs ; 1.8 Voucheria ; Vegetative ; 1.9 Ectocarpus ; Vegetative Structure ; Plurilocular Sporangium.
  • Unilocular Sporangium 1.10 Polysiophonia ; Vegetative Structure ; Spermatangia ; Tetrasporangia ; Cystocarp ; Chapter 2 Fungi ; 2.1 Introduction ; 2.2 Leaf of Brassica (Mustard)-Infected by Cystopus ; Asexual Reprodution ; Sexual Reproduction ; 2.3 Mucor ; Asexual Reproduction ; Sexual Reproduction ; 2.4 Penicillium ; Asexual Reproduction ; 2.5 Peziza-Apothecia ; 2.6 Red Rust on Wheat Plant (Primary Host) ; Puccinia Graminis ; Telia or Teleutosori ; 2.7 Alternaria ; Vegetative Structure ; Conidia ; Host Diseases ; Disease Cycle ; Control Measures ; 2.8 Lichens ; Crustose Lichens.
  • Foliose Lichens Fruiticose Lichens ; 2.9 Plant Viral Diseases ; Disease Cycle ; Control Measures ; 2.10 Mycoplasmas ; Control Measures ; 2.11 Bacteria-Gram Staining ; Procedure ; Chapter 3 Bryophytes ; 3.1 Introduction ; 3.2 Marchantia ; Vegetative Thallus ; T.S. Thallus ; Gemma W.M. ; V.S. of Gemma Cup Through Thallus ; Vegetative Thallus with Gemma Cups ; Antheridiophore (External) ; L.S. Antheridiophore ; Archegoniophore(External) ; Marchantia Sporophyte-L.S. ; 3.3 Anthoceros (Horn Worts) ; T.S. Thallus with Nostoc ; Antheridia V.S. ; Archegonia V.S. ; Gametophyte with Sporophyte.
  • Sporophyte-Spore Region 3.7 Polytrichum (Pigeon Wheat Moss) ; T.S. of Aerial Stem ; Leaf T.S. ; V.S. of Antheridial Head ; V.S. of Archegonial Head ; Gametophyte with Sporophyte ; Capsule L.S. ; Chapter 4 Pteridophytes ; 4.1 Introduction ; 4.2 Lycopodium ; Sporophyte-Habit ; Cernuum-T.S. of Stem ; Strobilus (Cone) ; L.S. of Cone ; 4.3 Equisetum
  • Sporophite ; Stem (T.S. of Internode) ; Strobilus Entire ; L.S. of the Strobilus ; Spores and Elaters ; 4.4 Marsilea ; T.S. of Rhizome ; T.S. of Petiole ; Sporocarp (Entire) ; Sporocap H.L.S. ; Index.