Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Neoliberal globalism and the biotechnology revolution: economic and historical context / Gerardo Otero
  • Latin American agriculture, food, and biotechnology: temperate dietary pattern adoption and unsustainability / Gerardo Otero, Gabriela Pechlaner
  • Exporting crop biotechnology: the myth of molecular miracles / Kathy McAfee
  • Biosafety regulation and global governance: the problem of absentee expertise in Latin America / Kees Jansen, Esther Roquas
  • Unnatural growth: the political economy of biotechnology in Mexico / Manuel Poitras
  • Importing corn, exporting labor: the neoliberal corn regime, GMOS, and the erosion of Mexican biodiversity / Elizabeth Fitting
  • Political economy of agricultural biotechnology in North America: the case of RBST in La Laguna, Mexico / Gerardo Otero, Manuel Poitras, Gabriela Pechlaner
  • Genetically modified soybeans and the crisis of Argentina's agriculture model / Miguel Teubal
  • Brazilian biotechnology governance: consensus and conflict over genetically modified crops / Wendy E. Jepson, Christian Brannstrom, Renato Stancato de Souza
  • Brazilian farmers at a crossroads: biotech industrialization of agriculture or new alternatives for family farmers? / Shuji Hisano, Simone Altoé
  • Social movements and techno-democracy: reclaiming the genetic commons / Manuel Poitras
  • Conclusion: food for the few? / Gerardo Otero, Gabriela Pechlaner.