Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Illustrations; CHAPTER 1 Introduction; PART I Visualizing Deep Temporality; CHAPTER 2 Culture and History: The Longue Durée; CHAPTER 3 Traces of Ancient Times; CHAPTER 4 Social Dynamics Before Europe; CHAPTER 5 In the Shadow of Empire: Colonialism and Ethnogenesis; PART II Body, Memory, and History; CHAPTER 6 Landscape and Livelihood: The Ethos of Settled Village Life; CHAPTER 7 In the Midst of Others: Landscapes of Memory; CHAPTER 8 Houses, Heroes, and History: The Fractal Person; CHAPTER 9 The Symbolic Economy of Power: Plazas as Persons.
  • CHAPTER 10 Conclusion: The Pedigree of a ContradictionNotes; Bibliography; Orthography and Glossary of Indigenous Terms; Index.