
The encyclopedia of the history of American management /

Containing more than 250 entries, this unique and ambitious work traces the development of management thinking and major business culture in North America. Entries range fro 600 words to 2500 words and contain concise biographical detail, a critical analysis of the thinkers' doctrines and ideas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Witzel, Morgen
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Bristol : Thoemmes Continuum, 2005.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ackoff, Russell L.
  • Adler, Nancy J.
  • Ansoff, H. Igor
  • Arden, Elizabeth
  • Argyris, Chris
  • Arrow, Kenneth Joseph
  • Arthur, William Brian
  • Astor, John Jacob
  • Barbash, Jack
  • Barnard, Chester Irving
  • Barnum, Phineas Taylor
  • Barth, Carl George Lange
  • Bedaux, Charles Eugéne
  • Bell, Alexander Graham
  • Bell, Daniel
  • Beniger, James R.
  • Bennett, James Gordon
  • Bennis, Warren
  • Berle, Adolf Augustus Jr.
  • Berners-Lee, Tim
  • Boeing, William Edward
  • Booz, Edwin George
  • Boulding, Elise
  • Braverman, Harry
  • Bronfman, Samuel
  • Burnham, James
  • Burrell, Thomas J.
  • Carnegie, Andrew
  • Carpenter, Walter Samuel Jr.
  • Casson, Herbert Newton
  • Chandler, Alfred Dupont Jr.
  • Cherington, Paul Terry
  • Chrysler, Walter Percy
  • Churchman, C. West
  • Clark, Edward
  • Clark, Fred Emerson
  • Clark, Jim
  • Coase, Ronald
  • Colt, Samuel
  • Commons, John Rogers
  • Copeland, Melvin Thomas
  • Corning, Erastus
  • Couzens, James Joseph Jr.
  • Crosby, Philip B.
  • Cyert, Richard Michael
  • Daniels, Jasper Newton
  • Davis, John Patterson
  • Dell, Michael
  • Deming, William Edwards
  • Dennison, Henry Sturgis
  • Disney, Walter Elias
  • Drew, Daniel
  • Drucker, Peter Ferdinand
  • Du Pont, Pierre Samuel
  • Durant, William Crapo
  • Eastman, George
  • Edison, Thomas Alva
  • Eisner, Michael Dammann
  • Ellison, Lawrence Joseph
  • Ellison, William
  • Emerson, Harrington
  • Etzioni, Amitai
  • Fiedler, Fred Edward
  • Filene, Edward Albert
  • Firestone, Harvey
  • Flagler, Henry Morrison
  • Florence, Philip Sargant
  • Follett, Mary Parker
  • Ford, Edsel
  • Ford, Henry
  • Ford, Henry II
  • Forrester, Jay Wright
  • Friedman, Milton
  • Galbraith, John Kenneth
  • Galvin, Robert William
  • Gantt, Henry Laurence
  • Gates, William Henry III
  • Gay, Edwin Francis
  • Geneen, Harold Sydney
  • Getty, Jean Paul
  • Giannini, Amadeo Peter
  • Gilbreth, Frank Bunker
  • Gilbreth, Lillian Evelyn Moller
  • Girard, Stephen
  • Goizueta, Roberto Crispulo
  • Goldwyn, Samuel
  • Goodrich, Benjamin Franklin
  • Gordy, Berry Jr.
  • Gould, Jay
  • Graham, Katharine
  • Grove, Andrew Stephen
  • Guggenheim, Daniel
  • Gulick, Luther Halsey III
  • Haas, Robert Douglas
  • Halsey, Frederick A.
  • Hamel, Gary
  • Hamilton, Alexander
  • Hammer, Armand
  • Hammer, Michael
  • Haney, Lewis Henry
  • Harman, Willis Walter
  • Hathaway, Horace King
  • Hearst, William Randolph
  • Hefner, Hugh Marston
  • Heinz, Henry John
  • Herzberg, Frederick Irving
  • Hewlett, William
  • Hill, James Jerome
  • Hilton, Conrad Nicholson
  • Hollerith, Herman
  • Hoxie, Robert Franklin
  • Huntington, Henry Edwards
  • Iacocca, Lee
  • Jaques, Elliott
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Johnson, Howard Dearing
  • Johnson, John Harold
  • Jungk, Robert
  • Juran, Joseph Moses
  • Kaiser, Henry John
  • Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
  • Kapor, Mitchell David
  • Kearney, Andrew Thomas
  • Kelleher, Herbert David
  • Kellogg, William Keith
  • Kimball, Dexter Simpson
  • Knight, Philip
  • Knoeppel, Charles Edward
  • Knudsen, William Signius
  • Kochan, Thomas A.
  • Koontz, Harold
  • Kotler, Philip
  • Kotter, John P.
  • Kravis, Henry
  • Kroc, Raymond Albert
  • Kuhn, Thomas Samuel
  • Land, Edwin Herbert
  • Lawrence, Paul Roger
  • Lee, Ivy Ledbetter
  • Levitt, Theodore
  • Lewin, Kurt
  • Likert, Rensis
  • Lindblom, Charles Edward
  • Little, Arthur Dehon
  • Livingston, Robert
  • Lorsch, Jay William
  • Luce, Henry Robinson
  • March, James Gardner
  • Marriott, John Willard
  • Maslow, Abraham Harold
  • Mayer, Louis B.
  • Mayo, George Elton
  • McClelland, David C.
  • McCormack, Mark H.
  • McCormick, Cyrus Hall
  • McGregor, Douglas Murray
  • McHale, John
  • McKinsey, James Oscar
  • McKnight, William Lester
  • McNamara, Robert Strange
  • Meadows, Donella Hager
  • Means, Gardiner Coit
  • Mellen, Charles Sanger
  • Merck, George Wilhelm
  • Meyer, André Benoit Mathieu
  • Miles, Raymond E.
  • Mitchell, Wesley Clair
  • Mooney, James David
  • Morgan, John Pierpont
  • Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
  • Mumford, Lewis
  • Murdoch, Keith Rupert
  • Nader, Ralph
  • Nelson, Richard R.
  • Noyce, Robert
  • Noyes, Pierrepont Burt
  • Olds, Ransom Eli
  • Olsen, Kenneth Harry
  • Packard, David
  • Parker, Cornelia Stratton
  • Patterson, John Henry
  • Pemberton, John
  • Penney, James Cash Jr.
  • Penrose, Edith Elura Tilton
  • Peter, Laurence Johnston
  • Peters, Thomas J.
  • Polanyi, Karl
  • Poor, Henry Varnum
  • Porter, Michael E.
  • Procter, William Cooper
  • Pulitzer, Joseph
  • Pullman, George Mortimer
  • Rand, Ayn
  • Reich, Robert
  • Reynolds, Richard Joshua
  • Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon
  • Rockefeller, John Davison Sr.
  • Roethlisberger, Fritz Jules
  • Samuelson, Paul Anthony
  • Sanders, Harlan
  • Sarnoff, David
  • Schein, Edgar H.
  • Schön, Donald Alan
  • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
  • Schwab, Charles Michael
  • Scott, Walter Dill
  • Sears, Richard Warren
  • Senge, Peter M.
  • Shaw, Arch Wilkinson
  • Simon, Herbert Alexander
  • Singer, Isaac Merritt
  • Sloan, Alfred Pritchard Jr.
  • Snow, Charles C.
  • Sorenson, Charles
  • Spalding, Albert Goodwill
  • Starbuck, William Haynes
  • Strassman, W. Paul
  • Strauss, Levi
  • Swift, Louis Franklin
  • Tarbell, Ida Minerva
  • Taylor, Frederick Winslow
  • Tead, Ordway
  • Teagle, Walter Clark
  • Thompson, James David
  • Thompson, Sanford Eleazer
  • Thomson, John Edgar
  • Thurow, Lester Carl
  • Toffler, Alvin
  • Towne, Henry Robinson
  • Trippe, Juan Terry
  • Trist, Eric Lansdown
  • Turnbo-Malone, Annie Minerva
  • Turner, Robert Edward III
  • Ueberroth, Peter
  • Vail, Theodore Newton
  • Vanderbilt, Cornelius
  • Vanderbilt, William Henry
  • Veblen, Thorstein Bunde
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel
  • Walton, Sam
  • Wanamaker, John
  • Wang, An
  • Ward, Aaron Montgomery
  • Washington, Booker Taliaferro
  • Watson, Thomas John
  • Watson, Thomas John Jr.
  • Weinberg, Sidney James
  • Welch, John Francis Jr.
  • Weld, Louis Dwight Harvell
  • Westinghouse, George
  • Whitehead, Thomas North
  • Wiener, Norbert
  • Williamson, Oliver Eaton
  • Willys, John North
  • Winchester, Oliver Fisher
  • Winter, Sidney G. Jr.
  • Wood, Robert Elkington
  • Woolworth, Frank Winfield
  • Wrigley, William
  • Young, Owen D.