Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Captive audience: an introduction / Thomas Fahy
  • PART I
  • Confessional voice: Medea's brutal imagination / Rena Fraden
  • Emotional contraband: prison as metaphor and meaning in U.S. Latina drama / Tiffany Ana Lopez
  • Seeing ethnicity: the impact of race and class on the critical reception of Miguel Piñero's Short eyes / Fiona Mills
  • On prisons in the United States: extract from a speech delivered to the confederation of analytical psychologists, London, 25 June 1999 / Harold Pinter
  • Harold Pinter's prison house: the screenplay of Kafka's The trial / Ann C. Hall
  • Harold Pinter's The handmaid's tale: freedom, prison, and a hijacked script / Christopher C. Hudgins
  • "World of bodies": performing flesh in Marat/Sade / Pamela Cooper
  • Disposal: William Inge's abject drama / Robert F. Gross
  • "In dark corners": masculinity and art in Tennessee Williams's Not about nightingales / Thomas Fahy
  • Physical prisons: Naomi Wallace's drama of captivity / Claudia Barnett
  • No exit and Waiting for Godot: performances in contrast / Lois Gordon.