Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Information wanted: women emigrants in a transatlantic world / Elizabeth Jane Errington
  • Self-reflection in the consolidation of Scottish identity: a case study in family correspondence, 1805-50 / Sarah Katherine Gibson
  • Entering the Christian world: indigenous missionaries in Rupert's Land / Andy A. den Otter
  • Law and British culture in the creation of British North America / David Murray
  • New Brunswick women travellers and the British connection, 1845-1905 / Gail G. Campbell
  • Our glorious Anglo-Saxon race shall ever fill earth's highest place: the Anglo-Saxon and the construction of identity in late-nineteenth-century Canada / Paula Hastings
  • Canada's boys
  • an imperial or national asset? response to Baden-Powell's Boy Scout movement in pre-war Canada / Patricia Dirks
  • Part of the British Empire, too: French Canada and colonization propaganda / Serge Courville
  • Competing visions: Canada, Britain, and the writing of the first World War / Wesley C. Gustavson
  • Claiming Cavell: Britishness and memoralization / Katie Pickles
  • Scrutinizing the submerged tenth: Salvation Army immigrants and their reception in Canada / Myra Rutherdale
  • Enigmas in Hebridean emigration: Crofter colonists in Western Canada / Marjory Harper
  • Nation=building in Saskatchewan: teachers from the British Isles in Saskatchewaqn rural schools in the 1920s / Marilyn Barber
  • Brushes, budgets, and butter: Canadian culture and identity at the British Empire exhibition, 1924-25 / Christopher Tait
  • Instructor to empire: Canada and the Rhodes Scholarship, 1902-39 / David E. Torrance
  • The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission in the 1930s: how Canada's first public broadcaster negotiated Britishness / Mary Vipond
  • Canadian labour politics and the British model, 1920-50 / James Naylor
  • Historical perspective on Britain: the ideas of Canadian historians Frank H. Underhill and Arthur R.M. Lower / R. Douglas Francis
  • The Monarchy, the Mounties, and ye olde English fayre: identity at All Saints' Anglican, Edmonton, 1875-1990s / Frances Swyripa.