Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The evolution of EU development policy : enlargement and a changing world / Andrew Mold and Sheila Page
  • The enlarged European Union and the developing world : what future? / Mirjam van Reisen
  • European development policymaking : globalisation and the post-Lomé world / Marjorie Lister
  • Clash of civilisations or intercultural dialogue? : challenges for EU Mediterranean policies / Roderick Pace
  • To reciprocate or not to reciprocate? is that the question? : a CGE simulation of the Euro-Mediterranean agreements / Andrew Mold
  • Challenges of forging a partnership between the European Union and Latin America / Christian Freres
  • The EU and democracy promotion in Africa : high on rhetoric, low on delivery? / Gordon Crawford
  • A critical assessment of proposed EU-ACP economic partnership agreements / Oliver Morrissey, Chris Milner and Andrew McKay
  • Creating a development-friendly EU trade policy / Christopher Stevens
  • Between a rock and a hard place : whither EU development policy? / Andrew Mold.