Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Shakespeare and the post-colonial question / Ania Loomba ; Martin Orkin
  • 'This is Tunis, sir, was Carthage' : contesting colonialism in The Tempest / Jerry Brotton
  • 'A most wily bird' : Leo Africanus, Othello and the trafficking in difference / Jonathan Burton
  • 'These bastard signs of fair' : literary whiteness in Shakespeare's sonnets / Kim F. Hall
  • 'Tis not the fashion to confess' : 'Shakespeare-post-coloniality-Johannesburg, 1996' / Margo Hendricks
  • Nation and place in Shakespeare : the case of Jerusalem as national desire in early modern English drama / Avraham Oz
  • Bryn Glas / Terence Hawkes
  • 'Local manufacture made-in-India Othello fellows' : issues of race, hybridity and location in post-colonial Shakespeares / Ania Loomba
  • Post-colonial Shakespeare? Writing away from the centre / Michael Neill
  • Possessing the book and peopling the text / Martin Orkin
  • Shakespeare and Hanekom, King Lear and land : a South African perspective / Nicholas Visser
  • From the colonial to the post-colonial : Shakespeare and education in Africa / David Johnson
  • Shakespeare, psychoanalysis and the colonial encounter : the case of Wulf Sachs's Black Hamlet / Andreas Bertoldi
  • Shakespeare and theory / Jonathan Dollimore.