
Arthurian writers : a biographical encyclopedia /

The central figure of the medieval world, King Arthur has captivated literary imaginations from the Middle Ages to the present. This book includes extended entries on more than 30 writers in the Arthurian tradition. Arranged chronologically and written by expert contributors, the entries trace the p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Lambdin, Laura C., Lambdin, Robert T.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2008.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Gildas (c. 490-570) / Carol L. Robinson
  • Bede (c. 673
  • 25 May 735) / Carol L. Robinson
  • Nennius / (c. Early Ninth Century) / James Keller
  • Wace (Robert?) (c.1100-1183) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • Geoffrey of Monmouth (c.1100- c. 1155) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • Chrétien de Troyes (c. 1125
  • 1191) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • Layamon (fl. c. 1185-1225) / Richard B. McDonald
  • Hartmann von Aue (c. 1160/1165--c. 1210/1220) / Albrecht Classen
  • Wolfram von Eschenbach (fl. c. 1200
  • d. c. 1216) / Albrecht Classen
  • Jehan Froissart (c. 1337
  • c. 1410) / Candace Gregory-Abbott
  • The Gawain-Poet (fl. c. 1350
  • 1400) / Kevin Marti
  • Giovanni Boccacio (c. June 1313
  • 21 December 1375) / Sigrid King and Michael Dennison
  • Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340
  • 1400) / John Dennis Grosskopf
  • Sir Thomas Malory (c. 1400
  • 14 March 1471) / Thomas Winn Dabbs
  • Edmund Spenser (c. 1552
  • 13 January 1599) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • 16. Thomas Heywood (late 1573?
  • 16 August 1641) / Peggy J. Huey
  • John Dryden (9 August 1631
  • 1 May 1700) / Jena Trammell
  • Matthew Arnold (24 December 1822-15 April 1888) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • William Morris (24 March 1834
  • 3 October 1896) / Raymond M. Vince
  • Algernon Charles Swinburne (5 April 1837
  • 10 April 1909) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • Alfred Tennyson (6 August 1809
  • 6 October 1892) / Priscilla Glanville
  • Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) (30 November 1835
  • 21 April 1910) / Edward Donald Kennedy
  • Edwin Arlington Robinson (22 December 1869
  • 6 April 1935) / Peggy J. Huey
  • T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot (26 September 1888- 4 January 1965) / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin
  • C.S. Lewis / (29 November 1898-22 November 1963) / Fiona Tolhurst
  • John Steinbeck (27 February 1902
  • 20 December 1968) / Peggy J. Huey
  • T.H. White (29 May 1906-17 January 1964) / Marcus A.J. Smith and Julian N. Wasserman
  • Walker Percy (28 May 1916
  • 10 May 1990) / Thomas Dabbs
  • Mary Stewart (17 September 1916- ) / M. Taylor Emery
  • Rosemary Sutcliff (14 December 1920
  • 22 July 1992) / Maureen Marmion Hourigan
  • Thomas Berger (20 July 1924
  • ) / Marie Nelson
  • Marion Zimmer Bradley (3 June 1930
  • 25 September 1999) / Allison Gulley
  • Persia Woolley (8 November 1935
  • ) / Peggy J. Huey
  • Margaret Eleanor Atwood (November 18, 1939- ) / Rebecca Stephens
  • Arthurian Art / Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin.