Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; William Congreve: The Critical Heritage; Copyright; General Editor's Preface; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I: The Early Reception; 1. William Congreve, Preface to Incognita, 1691; 2. John Dryden on the Old Batchelour, 1692; 3. Prefatory Poems to the Old Batchelour, 1693; 4. Peter Motteux in the Gentleman's Journal, 1693; 5. Henry Higden in the Preface to the Wary Widdow, 1693; 6. John Dryden in the Dedication to Examen Poeticum, 1693; 7. Thomas Yalden, 'to Mr. Congreve. an Epistolary Ode Occasion'd by His Late Play', 1693
  • 8. Jonathan Swift, to Mr. Congreve', 16939. William Congreve, Epistle Dedicatory to the Double- Dealer, 1693; 10. John Dryden on the Double-dealer, 1693; 11. William Dove, to Mr. Congreve', 1693; 12. Joseph Addison in 'an Account of the Greatest English Poets', 1694; 13. Charles Hopkins in to Walter Moyle, Esq.', 1694; 14. Anon, in the Mourning Poets, 1695; 15. Edward Howard in the Proem to an Essay upon Pastoral, 1695; 16. William Congreve, 'concerning Humour in Comedy', 1695; 17. William Pittis in an Epistolary Poem to N. Tate, Esquire, 1696
  • 18. Catharine Trotter, to Mr. Congreve, on His Tragedy, the Mourning Bride', 169719. Sir Richard Blackmore in the Preface to King Arthur, 1697; 20. Charles Hopkins, Dedication of Boadicea, Queen of Britain, 1697; 21. Anon, in the Justice of Peace, 1697; 22. Jeremy Collier in a Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneness of the English Stage, 1698; 23. Elkanah Settle in a Defence of Dramatick Poetry, 1698; 24. William Congreve in Amendments of Mr. Collier's False and Imperfect Citations, 1698; 25. Anon, in a Letter to Mr. Congreve, 1698
  • 26. Anon, in Animadversions on Mr. Congreve's Late Answer to Mr. Collier, 169827. Jeremy Collier in a Defence of the Short View, 1698; 28. Anon, in Some Remarks upon Mr. Collier's Defence, 1698; 29. Charles Gildon in a Letter to Mr. Congreve, Occasion'd by the Death of the Countess Dowager of Manchester, 1698; 30. Anon, in 'a Session of the Poets', 1698; 31. John Oldmixon in Reflections on the Stage, 1699; 32. James Drake in the Ancient and Modern Stages Survey'd, 1699; 33. Charles Hopkins in 'an Epistle from Mr. Charles Hopkins to Mr. Yalden in Oxon.', 1699
  • 34. Charles Gildon in Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets, 1699?35. Sir Richard Blackmore in a Satyr Against Wit, 1699; 36. William Congreve, Dedication of the Way of the World, 1700; 37. Samuel Wesley in an Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry, 1700; 38. Samuel Cobb in Poetae Britannici, 1700; 39. Daniel Kenrick in a New Session of the Poets, Occasion'd by the Death of Mr. Dryden, 1700; 40. Anon, in an Epistle to Sir Richard Blackmore, 1700