Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Prologue: A Day in the Life, Chicago, 1998; Introduction: TB and Sociology; 1 Bugs in the Big Apple: Chasing TB in NYC; 2 Slow Motion Disaster: Postindustrial Poverty and the Return of TB; 3 The Public Hospital: Battles on the TB Frontier; 4 Cavities of Contagion: Networks and Nodes of TBin Chicago; 5 Welcome to the West Side: Hanging Out in TB Alley; 6 Hard Case Histories: Narratives of Tuberculosis, Homelessness, and Addiction; 7 Difficult Negotiations: Coercion, Care, and Compliancein TB Therapy; 8 Sheep's Clothing: Lessons Learned from TB in the Field.