Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Alex Hughes and Suzanne Reimer
  • From farm to supermarket : the trade in fresh horticultural produce from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United Kingdom / Hazel R. Barrett, Angela W. Browne, and Brian Wilbery
  • Are hogs like chickens? : enclosure and mechanization in two 'white meat' fileres / Michael J. Watts
  • Spilling the beans on a tough nut : liberalization and local supply system changes in Ghana's cocoa and shea chains / Niels Fold
  • New geographies of agro-food production : an analysis of UK quality assurance schemes / Carol Morris and Craig Young
  • Culinary networks and cultural connections : a conventions perspective / Jonathan Murdoch and Mara Miele
  • Initiating the commodity chain : South Asian women and fashion in the diaspora / Parvati Raghuram
  • Geographical knowledges in the Ecuadorian flower industry / Justine Coulson
  • Citrus, apartheid, and the struggle to (re)present outspan oranges / Charles Mather and Petrina Rowcroft
  • Tropics of consumption : getting with the fetish of 'exotic' fruit? / Ian Cook, Philip Crang, and Mark Thorpe
  • Unravelling fashion's commodity chains / Louise Crewe
  • Accounting for ethical trade : global commodity networks and the audit economy / Alex Hughes
  • The 'organic commodity' and other anomalies in the politics of consumption / Julie Guthman
  • Knowledge, ethics, and power in the home furnishings commodity chain / Suzanne Reimer and Deborah Leslie.