Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I: Structures and Power
  • Difference described / Charles Kaye
  • Mental health in black and ethnic minorities : an epidemiological perspective / Veena Soni Raleigh
  • 'Race', criminality and forensic psychiatry : a historical perspective / Suman Fernanco
  • Differences in ritual and culture / P.Q. Deeley
  • Racism and the expression of identity in special hospitals / Annie Bartlett
  • Experiences in France and England : A patient's perspective
  • Part II: Seeking a Better Balance
  • Developing a mental health service for ethnic minorities / Albert Persaud
  • Supporting Black patients in secure care : Regal representation / Chinyere Inyama
  • Change and progress : The right pace? / Georgina Linton
  • Part III: Clinical Perspectives / Fair treatment for Black patients in secure care / Chandra Ghosh
  • Black men in Broadmoor / Stan Grant
  • Providing clinical care for Black patients in forensic psychiatry / Harvey Gordon
  • Black staff and their experience at work / Krishnan Gnanasekaran
  • Black women patients in the forensic service / Margaret Orr
  • Asian women and community care : 'Asian khavateen' / Alia Khan
  • Part IV: Effecting Change
  • Making policy work / Jayne Hayes
  • Measuring progress and improving quality / Jane Mackenzie and Carol Morgan-Clark
  • Translating a vision into reality : Broadmoor's partnership with ACMHA / Elaine Elvey
  • Meeting the spiritual needs of Muslims patients / Nizar Boga
  • The experience of being a Black patient
  • Awareness and change : A training initiative at Broadmoor Hospital / Charles Kaye
  • Progress in Broadmoor Hospital / Tony Lingiah.