
Degunking your email, spam, and viruses /

"Organize you email so that it works for you! Protect yourself from nasty spam, viruses, and worms."

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Duntemann, Jeff
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Scottsdale, Ariz. : Paraglyph Press, ©2004.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Why Is Your Computer Suffering from Email and Virus Gunk?
  • What the Experts Know
  • Understanding How You Got So Gunked Up
  • The 10 Key Causes of Email Gunk
  • The 10 Key Causes of Virus Gunk
  • Identity Theft
  • The Strategy Behind Degunking
  • Important Questions to Ask Yourself
  • Email Management 101
  • Combating Spam with Filtering Techniques
  • Setting Up a Virus Protection System
  • Preventing the Installation of Spyware and Adware
  • Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft
  • Setting Up a Firewall to Protect Against Internet Worms
  • Oh, and Don't Forget Your Backups!
  • The Email and Malware 12-Step Degunking Program
  • Gunk Be Gone
  • Creating Your Email Degunking Strategy
  • What's Your Email Profile?
  • The Public Professional
  • The Private Professional
  • The Student-Enthusiast
  • The Casual Communicator
  • Pick Your Profile
  • The Three Kinds of Email Addresses
  • Using Your Primary Email Address(es)
  • Using Your Backup Email Address
  • Using Disposable Email Addresses
  • Understand Where Email Addresses Come From
  • ISP Internet Accounts
  • Your Employer's Email System
  • Web Hosting Service Email Accounts
  • Free Web Mail Accounts
  • Freenets and Community Networks
  • Back Up Your Internet Access
  • Register Your Own Internet Domain
  • Obtain and Use "Evaporating" Email Addresses
  • Using the Right Email Client
  • What Makes a Good Email Client?
  • Easy to Learn and Use
  • Multiple Mail Accounts
  • Hierarchical Folders or Mailboxes
  • Binary Attachments
  • HTML and Plain-Text Mail
  • Protection Against "Spam Beacon" Image Downloads
  • Protection Against Scripts in HTML Messages
  • Imports Mail from Many Email Clients
  • Exports Mail to Standard Formats
  • Uses the Windows Address Book
  • User-Defined Message Filters
  • Easy Backup of Your Mailbase
  • Support for POP and IMAP Mailboxes
  • Cheap or Free
  • Not Too Popular
  • The Problem of Software Monoculture
  • POP or IMAP?
  • My Recommendations
  • Protocols: POP vs. IMAP
  • Protocols: Client Choices
  • Clients and Your Experience Level
  • Clients and the Nature of your Work
  • Summing Up-Have Client, Will Email!
  • Developing Good Email Habits
  • Sort Your Email: Keep, Hold, or Pitch?
  • Beware the Fold!
  • The 100-Message Rule
  • Prioritize Your Email with Email Notifiers
  • Notifiers: Your Silent Email Partner
  • POPTray: Free and Easy
  • Install POPTray
  • Create POPTray Rules for Critical Senders
  • Let POPTray Prioritize Your Mail
  • Back Up Your Email
  • Have an Email Backup Strategy
  • Find Your Mailbase
  • Backup Media
  • Use Backup Utility Software
  • Summing Up-The Habits of Highly Effective Emailers
  • Read and Degunk Your Email from Anywhere
  • Get Reliable Access to the Net and Your Mail Server
  • Understand the Port 25 Blocking Problem
  • Using the Local Network for Outbound Mail
  • Don't Fork Your Mailbase!
  • Leaving Mail on the Server
  • Synchronization and the "Holes Don't Travel" Problem
  • Traveling with IMAP
  • Traveling with Web Mail
  • POP Interfaces to Web Mail
  • Web Mail Interfaces to POP Accounts
  • Use a Client on a Key Chain: Poco EmailVoyager
  • Handing Off a Mailbase Between Poco Mail and EmailVoyager
  • Use Google's Gamil: "Deep Storage" Web Mail
  • Gmail and the Privacy Issue
  • Pop Goes the Gmail
  • Gmail Loader
  • Competitive Pressures
  • Summing Up-Traveling Smart
  • Cleaning and Organizing Your Mailbase
  • Understand the Two Faces of Mailbase Gunk
  • Create a Folder Hierarchy
  • Apply the Single-Screen Rule
  • Use Folders for Topics, not Senders
  • Keep Your Time-Delimited Mail in Separate Folders
  • Use Folders within Folders Carefully
  • Sort Your Email into Folders
  • Clean Your Attachments Folder
  • The Trouble with Attachments
  • File Extensions and File Types
  • Clean Up the Odds and Ends
  • Watch Out for Abandoned Drafts
  • Delete Obsolete or Duplicate Copies of Your Mailbase
  • Outlook's Mailbase and Windows Address Book
  • Remove Outlook Express Email Gunk from the Windows Registry
  • Editing the Registry with REGEDIT32
  • Email Spring Cleaning
  • Summing Up-Clean Me Now ... or Clean Me Later!
  • Avoid Becoming a Spam Magnet!
  • Understand the Prime Directive Against Spam
  • Don't Buy from Spammers!
  • Don't Respond to Sneaky Spam Messages
  • Friends Don't Let Friends Buy from Spammers!
  • Why Is Stopping Spam So Hard?
  • Choose a Spam-Resistant Email Address
  • Avoid Dictionary Attacks
  • More Advice on Choosing an Email Address
  • Don't Hand Your Email Address to Spammers!
  • Never Post Your Email Address on the Web
  • Never Unsubscribe from a Spammer Mailing List
  • Check to See if Listservs ARe Archived to the Web
  • Obfuscate Your Email Address on Newsgroups and Discussion Boards
  • Use Disposable Email Addresses for E-Commerce
  • Don't Complain to a Spammer's ISP
  • Avoid Triggering Other People's Spam Filters
  • Summing Up-From Prevention to Cure
  • Understand the Spam Filtering Conundrum
  • Understand Spam Filtering Jargon
  • Develop a Good Spam-Fighting Philosophy
  • Love Your Address Book-and Use It!
  • Use Your Address Book as Your Whitelist
  • Use Content Filtering
  • Automatic or Manual Filtering?
  • Filtering on Sender Addresses and Domains
  • Is It a Spammer Domain?
  • Filtering on Key Words in the Subject
  • Filtering on Key Words or Domains in the Message Body
  • Watch Out for False Positives when Creating Filters!
  • Run Your Spam Filters in the Correct Order
  • "Inbox Thinning" with POPTray
  • Defining Spam Filters in POPTray
  • Deep-Clean Your Spam Using Bayesian Spam Filtering
  • Degunk Your Spam with Statistics
  • The Bayesian Regimen
  • The Bayesian Downside
  • Learn about POPFile
  • Why Is POPFile So Good?
  • Install POPFile
  • Selecting POPFile's Install-Time Buckets
  • Configuring Your Email Client to Use POPFile
  • What Happens When POPFile Checks Mail
  • Train and Use POPFile
  • Training POPFile
  • Setting Up a Spam Category Filter in Your Email Client
  • Use POPFile's Magnets
  • Creating Magnets in POPFile
  • Back Up and Share POPFile's Corpus Data
  • Finding the Corpus
  • "Borrowing" a Corpus
  • Use Outclass to Access POPFile from Outlook
  • Installing Outclass
  • Configuring and Using Outclass
  • More Outclass Training Tips
  • Using Safe View to Inspect Message Source Text
  • Avoid Spam Control Methods That Don't Work
  • Understand How Antispam Technologies Fail
  • Be Careful with Server-Side Spam Filtering
  • Watch Out for IP Black Holes
  • Malicious Spam Reporting and "Joe Jobs"
  • SpamCop
  • Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Spam Filtering
  • Challenge-Response Spam Blocking
  • Captchas: Riddle Me This to Email Me!
  • Whitelists Are Everything
  • Other Problems With C-R Email Systems
  • Why Spamming Should Not Be Illegal
  • Keep a Cool Head and Win the War
  • Protect Yourself Against Viruses, Trojans, and Worms
  • Develop a Malware Master Plan
  • Understand the PC Malware Bestiary
  • Malware
  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojan Horses
  • Back Doors
  • Adware
  • Spyware
  • Social Engineering
  • Phishing
  • Hackers and Crackers and the Colors of Hats
  • Security Holes in Software
  • Where the Risks Are
  • Malware Defense: From a Height
  • Defeat Those Viruses
  • Understand What Viruses Are and What They Do
  • How You Contract PC Viruses
  • Watch Out for "Dangerous" Files and Their Extensions
  • Microsoft Office Files and File Extensions
  • Havoc from Hiding Windows File Extensions
  • How Viruses "Space-Shift Right" to Hide File Extensions
  • Disable Microsoft Office Macros
  • Macro Viruses in Office Add-Ins and Templates
  • Choose an Antivirus Utility
  • Using Software Reviews for Purchasing Decisions
  • What All Good Antivirus Utilities Should Have
  • Things to Watch Out For
  • Do You Need Multiple Antivirus Utilities?
  • What I Recommend
  • Using Trial Products
  • Installing a Typical Antivirus Product
  • Using a One-Off Virus Removal Utility
  • Summing Up-Use Good Virus Hygiene Daily
  • Avoid Adware, Spyware, and Browser Bugaboos
  • Adware vs.
  • Spyware
  • The Two Kinds of Free
  • Know What You're Installing!
  • Good Adware/Spyware Research Sites
  • Use Anti-Spyware Software
  • Installing and Using Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Why Keep Adware?
  • Installing and Using Ad-Aware
  • Watch Out for Phony Spyware or Adware Removers
  • Implement an Adware/Spyware Strategy
  • Be Mindful of Browser Bugaboos
  • The Hazards of Internet Explorer
  • Drive-By Installs
  • Disabling Install On Demand in Internet Explorer
  • Beefing Up Security in the Internet Zone
  • Disabling Install on Demand in Mozilla Firefox
  • Block Pop-Ups!
  • Use Limited Windows Accounts for Web Surfing
  • Creating a Limited User Account in Windows
  • Fast User Switching in Windows XP
  • Summing Up-Peddlers Not Invited
  • Use Firewalls to Stop Those Worms
  • Understand That Worms Are Viruses with Legs
  • The Nature of Worm Gunk
  • Worms with a Mission
  • The Life Cycle of a Worm
  • Interfering with the Worm Life Cycle
  • Your Worm Defense Strategy
  • The Prime Directive in Worm Defense
  • Learn the Essentials about Firewalls
  • Using Software Firewalls
  • Using NAT Firewalls
  • Install and Use ZoneAlarm
  • Getting ZoneAlarm
  • Installing ZoneAlarm
  • Understanding ZoneAlarm Zones
  • Software Package Permissions
  • Deciding Whether to Grant or Deny
  • Install and Use the Linksys BEFSR41 Router
  • Installing the BEFSR41
  • MAC Address Authentication
  • Cloning Your MAC Address
  • Tricky: MAC Cloning on an Older Router
  • Summing Up-Turning Worms Away
  • Degunk Nigerian Rhapsodies, Hoaxes, and Other Smelly Phish
  • Degunk Those Viral Hoaxes
  • Social Engineering Viruses
  • So Why Are Harmless Social Engineering Viruses Wrong?
  • Avoid the Nigerian 419 Scams
  • Don't Be Victim to Identity Theft Because of Phishing Expeditions
  • The New Scourge of the Internet
  • Impersonating a Web Site
  • "Bait and Switch" Web Links
  • How Not to Get Hooked
  • Degunking After a Malware Attack
  • Understand the Five PC Defense Conditions
  • Was It Really Malware?
  • Is It Simply Plain Old Windows Gunk?
  • How to Handle DefCon 1.