Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword / Jared Diamond
  • pt. I. Whence Biodiversity? 1. Forests Then and Now. 2. Shadows in the Forest. 3. The Myth of Heart's Content
  • pt. II. Ecological Mechanisms and Biotic Resources. 4. Internal Affairs: Patch and Disturbance Dynamics. 5. From Hero to Villain: Edge Effects. 6. Hazards of Fragmentation: Area and Isolation Effects. 7. Tracking Diversity: Biological Inventory, Research, and Monitoring
  • pt. III. Approaches to Forest Management. 8. The Evolution of Forest Management. 9. Multiple Use on National Forest Lands. 10. What's New in Forest Management? 11. Zoning for Diversity
  • pt. IV. Toward a New Diversity Policy (and Twenty-First Century Old Growth). 12. Sources of a New Diversity Policy for the National Forests. 13. Case History: The Wisconsin National Forests. 14. Dominant-Use Zoning and Wildlands: Forestry for the Twenty-First Century.