Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""FrontMatter""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Why Study Gas Hydrate?""; ""3 A Review of Methane Hydrate Research and Development Projects to Date""; ""4 Directions for Program Emphasis, Research, and Resource Development""; ""5 Scientific Oversight of the DOE Methane Hydrate Research and Development Program""; ""6 Summary of Findings and Recommendations""; ""References""; ""Appendixes""; ""Appendix A Committee and Staff Biographies""; ""Appendix B Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000""
  • ""Appendix C Speakers and Presentation Titles from NRC Meetings of the Committee to Review the Activities Authorized Under the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000""""Appendix D Committee Summary and Observations of the DOE Conference/JIP Workshop held September 30 to October 1, 2003 in Westminster, Colorado""; ""Appendix E Acronyms""; ""Appendix F Project Summaries""; ""Appendix G Projects Funded by DOE Under the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Program""
  • ""Appendix H Letters from the Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (2001 and 2002) to Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham""""Appendix I Membership of the Interagency Coordinating Committee and the Technical Coordinating Team""; ""COLOR PLATES""