Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; Acknowledgments; Executive Summary; Abbreviations and Acronyms; 1 Epidemiological Overview and Economic Impact; Summary; Quantifying the Epidemic; HIV/AIDS in Latin America; Mexico; Central America; Brazil; Andean Region; Southern Cone; The Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in Latin America; 2 Epidemiological Surveillance; Summary; Introduction; Resources for HIV/AIDS Surveillance; Surveillance Activities; HIV Testing and Diagnosis Policies; Blood Supply Safety; Basic Needs for Improving the Epidemiological Surveillance of HIV/AIDS; Conclusions: Strengths and Challenges.
  • 3 National Responses to the EpidemicSummary; Introduction; National Agreements and Multisectoral Coordination; Community Responses: NGOs in Latin America; Interventions for the General Population and Specific Groups; NGOs' Contributions to HIV/AIDS Control in Latin America; The Population's Level of Knowledge of Transmission Methods and Prevention; Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission; Health and Social Services; Collaboration with International Agencies; Principal Barriers and Needs in Controlling the HIV/AIDS Epidemic; 4 Key Areas for Interventions and Challenges Ahead; Summary.
  • IntroductionNational Response to the Epidemic: Prevention; Access to Health and Social Services; National Capacity: Structure and Management; Conclusions; Appendix 1 Country Fact Sheets; Appendix 2 Collaborators in the Study; References; Index; Tables; 1.1 HIV Prevalence, AIDS Incidence, and Mortality from AIDS by Country, 1999; 1.2 Incidence of Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections, Prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and Incidence of AIDS by Country or Subregi; 1.3 Ratio of Male-to-Female Reported AIDS Cases, 1994 and 2000; 1.4 Basic Indicators of Context and Expenditure in Selected Countries, 1999.
  • 1.5 AIDS Care Financing by Source in Selected Countries (US, adjusted for PPP)2.1 HIV/AIDS Surveillance Personnel in Latin America, 2000; 2.2 Definitions of AIDS Used in Latin American Reporting, 2000; 2.3 HIV/AIDS Case Definitions by Country, 2000; 2.4 Countries and Subregions with Reporting Forms for Case Notification, 2000; 2.5 Case Identifiers Used in HIV/AIDS Reporting, 2000; 2.6 Legislation Regarding Confidentiality Issues; 2.7 Underreporting and Delays in Notification, 2000; 2.8 Professionals and Organizations Receiving Epidemiological Information on HIV/AIDS, 2000.
  • 2.9 Systematization of HIV and AIDS Records, 20002.10 Results of HIV Sentinel Surveillance Studies; 2.11 People Living with HIV, December 2000; 2.12 Availability of Laboratories and Centers for Anonymous Diagnosis, 2000; 2.13 Cost of HIV Testing in Public and Private Health Centers, 2000; 2.14 Policies for Accepting Blood Donations, 2000; 3.1 Government Budgets for HIV/AIDS, 2000; 3.2 Collaboration between Ministries of Health and Other Government Institutions in the Fight against HIV/AIDS, 2000.