Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cause lawyering and the reproduction of professional authority: an introduction / Austin Sarat and Stuart Scheingold
  • I. Contexts and conditions of cause lawyering
  • The causes of cause lawyering: toward an understanding of the motivation and commitment of social justice lawyers / Carrie Menkel-Meadow
  • Speaking law to power: occasions for cause lawyering / Richard Abel
  • The struggle to politicize legal practice: a case study of left-activist lawyering in Seattle / Stuart Scheingold
  • II. Cause lawyering and the organization of practice
  • Norris, Schmidt, Green, Harris, Higginbotham & Associates: the socio-legal impact of Philadelphia cause lawyers / Aaron Porter
  • Still trying: cause lawyering for the poor and disadvantaged in Pittsburg, PA / John Kilwein
  • Critical lawyers: social justice and the structure of private practice / Louise Trubek and M. Elizabeth Kransberger
  • Destruction of houses and construction of a cause: lawyers and bedouins in the Israeli courts / Ronen Shamir and Sara Chinski
  • III. Strategies of cause lawyering under liberal legalism
  • Rethinking law's allurements: a relational analysis of social movement lawyers in the United States / Michael McCann and Helena Silverstein
  • Caring about individual cases: immigration lawyering in Britain / Susan Street
  • Between (the presence of) violence and (the possibility of) justice: lawyering against capital punishment / Austin Sarat
  • IV. The possibilities of cause lawyering beyond liberal legalism
  • Cause lawyering in the third world / Stephen Ellmann
  • Lawyers' causes in Indonesia and Malaysia / Daniel Lev Attorneys for the People
  • Attorneys for the land: the emergence of cause lawyering in the Israel-occupied territories / George Bisharat
  • Cause lawyers and social movements: a comparative perspective on democratic change in Argentina and Brazil / Stephen Meili
  • All or nothing: an inquiry into the (im)possibility of cause lawyering under Cuban socialism / Raymond Michalowski.