Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The emergence of postmodern Jewish theology and philosophy / Peter Ochs
  • Postmodern Judaism: one theologian's view / Eugene B. Borowitz
  • Gene Borowitz' Renewing the Covenant: a theology for the postmodern Jew / Yudit Kornberg Greenberg
  • Reading the Covenant: some postmodern reflections / Edith Wyschogrod
  • Post-modern or chastened modern? Eugene B. Borowitz' vision for Jewish fidelity / Thomas W. Ogletree
  • Is the Covenant a bilateral relationship? a response to Eugene Borowitz' Renewing the Covenant / David Novak
  • A critique of Borowitz' postmodern Jewish theology / Norbert M. Samuelson
  • Borowitz and the postmodern renewal of theology / Peter Ochs
  • 'Im baet, eyma: since you object, let me put it this way / Eugene B. Borowitz
  • "Crossing and recrossing the void": a letter to Gene / Susan Handelman.