
Classical Arabic Literature : A Library of Arabic Literature Anthology /

A major translation achievement, this anthology presents a rich assortment of classical Arabic poems and literary prose, from pre-Islamic times until the 18th century, with short introductions to guide non-specialist students and informative endnotes and bibliography for advanced scholars. Both ente...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gelder, Geert Jan van (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York, NY : New York University Press, [2012]
Colección:Library of Arabic Literature ; 5
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Frontmatter
  • Letter from the General Editor
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • Notes to the Introduction
  • Verse
  • A Qaṣīdah by ʿAbīd ibn al-Abraṣ
  • A Qaṣīdah by ʿAlqamah ibn ʿAbadah
  • A Qaṣīdah by al-Muthaqqib al-ʿAbdī
  • An Elegy (Marthiyah) by al-Khansāʾ
  • Polemics in Verse: An Invective Qaṣīdah by al-Akhṭal and a Reply by Jarīr
  • Love in the Desert: A Qaṣīdah by Dhū l-Rummah, "To Mayyah's Two Abodes, a Greeting!"
  • An Umayyad Ghazal Poem, Used as an Abbasid Song Text
  • ʿUdhrī Ghazal: a poem attributed to Majnūn Laylā
  • Umayyad Ghazal: A Poem by ʿUmar ibn Abī Rabīʿah
  • A Love Poem by Umm Khālid
  • Anti-Arab, Pro-Iranian Lampoon (Hijāʾ), by Bashshār ibn Burd
  • A Muḥdath ("Modern") Ghazal Epigram by Abū Nuwās
  • A Ghazal by Abū Nuwās: On a Boy Called ʿAlī
  • Two Wine Poems by Abū Nuwās
  • A Lampooning Epigram (Hijāʾ) by Abū Nuwās
  • A Ghazal Poem by al-ʿAbbās Ibn al-Aḥnaf
  • Three Love Epigrams by ʿUlayyah bint al-Mahdī
  • A Zuhdiyyah ("Poem of Asceticism") by Abū l-ʿAtāhiyah
  • Ibn al-Rūmī: On His Poetry
  • A Qaṣīdah by Ibn al-Rūmī: A Party at ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Hāshimī's
  • A Panegyric Qaṣīdah by al-Buḥturī
  • A Victory Ode by al-Mutanabbī: The Qaṣīdah on Sayf al-Dawlah's Recapture of the Fortress of al-Ḥadath in 343/954
  • Nature Poetry: Two Epigrams by Ibn Khafājah
  • Strophic Poem: A Muwashshaḥah by al-Aʿmā al-Tuṭīlī
  • An Anonymous Muwashshaḥah from Spain
  • "There Descended to You": A Philosophical Allegory by Ibn Sīnā
  • Five Epigrams on Death and Belief, by Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī
  • Mystical Ghazal: A Poem by Ibn al-Fāriḍ
  • A Mystical Zajal by al-Shushtarī
  • Two Elegies on the Death of his Concubine, by Ibn Nubātah al-Miṣrī
  • A Zajal: An Elegy on the Elephant Marzūq
  • Rajaz
  • Prose
  • Examples of Early Rhymed Prose (Sajʿ)
  • A Pre-Islamic Tale: The Princess on the Myrtle Leaf (Three Versions)
  • How the Queen of Sheba Became Queen
  • Two Stories from al-Masʿūdī's Meadows of Gold
  • Lives of The Poets: al-Farazdaq Tells the Story of Imruʾ al-Qays and the Girls at the Pond
  • Bedouin Romance: The Unhappy Love Story of Qays and Lubnā
  • A Parable: The Human Condition, or The Man in the Pit
  • Mirror for Princes (and Others): Passages from Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ's Right Conduct
  • Al-Jāḥiẓ on Flies and Other Things
  • Essayistic Prose: Al-Tawḥīdī on the Superiority of the Arabs
  • History as Literature: Al-Amīn and al-Maʾmūn, the Sons of Hārūn al-Rashīd
  • Moral Tales and Parables: Passages from Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (The Epistles of the Sincere Brethren)
  • Prose Narrative: Four Stories by al-Tanūkhī
  • The Isfahan Maqāmah by Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī
  • The Debate of Pen and Sword, by Aḥmad Ibn Burd al-Aṣghar
  • A Visit to Heaven and Hell, by Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī
  • Poetics: Ibn Rashīq on the Definition and Structure of Poetry
  • Literary Criticism: From The Secrets of Eloquence by ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī
  • Popular Science: Two Chapters from al-Damīrī's Encyclopedia of Animals
  • A Section from an Adab Encyclopedia: The Chapter on Stinginess fromThe Precious and Refined in Every Genre and Kind by al-Ibshīhī
  • A Fairytale: The Tale of the Forty Girls
  • Erotica: The Young Girl and the Dough Kneader, from al- Tīfāshī's The Old Man's Rejuvenation
  • Two Burlesque Stories from Brains Confounded by al-Shirbīnī
  • Lyrical Prose: A Visit to the Bath, by al-Ḥaymī al-Kawkabānī
  • Notes
  • Chronology
  • Glossary of Names and Terms
  • Bibliography
  • Further Reading
  • Index
  • About the NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
  • About the Typefaces
  • About the Translator