Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction
  • I. La comète belge : Jean Desmet's travelling cinema, the imperial bio (1907-1910)
  • II. In the beginning ... : film distribution in the Netherlands
  • III. Gold rush : in the throes of cinema mania (1909-1914)
  • IV. Film market Europe : buying films abroad (1910-1914)
  • V. White slave girls and German Kultur: film rental and distribution strategies in the Netherlands (1910-1914)
  • VI. Onésime et son Colèlgue : competition (1910-1914)
  • VII. Das Ende vom Lied : the impact of the First World War (1914-1916)
  • VIII. Quo vadis? : Desmet's film rental and cinema operation during the Great War (1914-1916)
  • IX. Afterlife : a new career and the beginning of a collection
  • X. In Retrospect : Jean Desmet's place in film history.