Sumario: | This collection of formulas constitutes a compendium of mathematics for eco nomics and business. It contains the most important formulas, statements and algorithms in this significant subfield of modern mathematics and addresses primarily students of economics or business at universities, colleges and trade schools. But people dealing with practical or applied problems will also find this collection to be an efiicient and easy-to-use work of reference. First the book treats mathematical symbols and constants, sets and state ments, number systems and their arithmetic as well as fundamentals of com binatorics. The chapter on sequences and series is followed by mathematics of finance, the representation of functions of one and several independent vari ables, their differential and integral calculus and by differential and difference equations. In each case special emphasis is placed on applications and models in economics. The chapter on linear algebra deals with matrices, vectors, determinants and systems of linear equations. This is followed by the representation of struc tures and algorithms of linear programming. Finally, the reader finds formu las on descriptive statistics (data analysis, ratios, inventory and time series analysis), on probability theory (events, probabilities, random variables and distributions) and on inductive statistics (point and interval estimates, tests). Some important tables complete the work.