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|a Aeromagnetic surveying -- Agricola, Georgius (1494-1555) -- Alfvén waves -- Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995) -- Alfvén's theorem and the frozen flux approximation -- Anelastic and Boussinesq approximations -- Anisotropy, electrical -- Anti-dynamo and bounding theorems -- Archaeology, magnetic methods -- Archaeomagnetism -- Auroral oval -- Baked contact test -- Bangui anomaly -- Barlow, Peter (1776-1862) -- Bartels, Julius (1899-1964) -- Bauer, Louis Agricola (1865-1932) -- Bemmelen, Willem van (1868-1941) -- Benton, Edward R. (1934-1992) -- Bingham statistics -- Biomagnetism -- Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron of Chelsea (1897-1974) -- Bullard, Edward Crisp (1907-1980) -- Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism -- Carnegie, research vessel -- CHAMP -- Chapman, Sydney (1888-1970) -- Coast effect of induced currents -- Compass -- Conductivity geothermometer -- Conductivity, ocean floor measurements -- Convection, chemical -- Convection, non-magnetic rotating -- Core composition -- Core convection -- Core density -- Core motions -- Core origin -- Core properties, physical -- Core properties, theoretical determination -- Core temperature -- Core turbulence -- Core viscosity -- Core, adiabatic gradient -- Core, boundary layers -- Core, electrical conductivity -- Core, magnetic instabilities -- Core, thermal conduction -- Core-based inversions for the main geomagnetic field -- Core-mantle boundary topography, implications for dynamics -- Core-mantle boundary topography, seismology -- Core-mantle boundary, heat flow across -- Core-mantle coupling, electromagnetic -- Core-mantle coupling, thermal -- Core-mantle coupling, topographic -- Cowling, Thomas George (1906-1990) -- Cowling's Theorem -- Cox, Allan V. (1926-1987) -- Crustal magnetic field -- D'' and F Layers of the Earth -- D'' as a boundary layer -- D'', anisotropy -- D'', composition -- D'', seismic properties -- Della Porta, Giambattista (1535-1615) -- Demagnetization -- Depth to Curie temperature -- Dipole moment variation -- Dynamo waves -- Dynamo, Backus -- Dynamo, Braginsky -- Dynamo, Bullard-Gellman -- Dynamo, disk -- Dynamo, Gailitis -- Dynamo, Herzenberg -- Dynamo, Lowes-Wilkinson -- Dynamo, Model-Z -- Dynamo, Ponomarenko -- Dynamo, solar -- Dynamos, experimental -- Dynamos, fast -- Dynamos, kinematic -- Dynamos, mean field -- Dynamos, periodic -- Dynamos, planetary and satellite -- Earth structure, major divisions -- Elsasser, Walter M. (?-1991) -- EM modeling, forward -- EM modeling, inverse -- EM, industrial uses -- EM, lake bottom measurements -- EM, land uses -- EM, regional studies -- EM, tectonic interpretations -- Environmental magnetism -- Environmental magnetism, paleomagnetic applications -- Equilibration of magnetic field, weak and strong field dynamos -- Euler deconvolution -- First-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams -- Fisher statistics -- Fleming, John Adam (1877-1855) -- Fluid dynamics experiments -- Galvanic distortion -- Gauss' determination of absolute intensity -- Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) -- Gellibrand, Henry (1597-1636) -- Geocentric axial dipole hypothesis -- Geodynamo -- Geodynamo, dimensional analysis and timescales -- Geodynamo, energy sources -- Geodynamo, numerical simulations -- Geodynamo, symmetry properties -- Geomagnetic deep sounding -- Geomagnetic dipole field -- Geomagnetic excursion -- Geomagnetic field, asymmetries -- Geomagnetic hazards -- Geomagnetic jerks -- Geomagnetic polarity reversals -- Geomagnetic polarity reversals, observations -- Geomagnetic polarity timescales -- Geomagnetic pulsations -- Geomagnetic reversal sequence, statistical structure -- Geomagnetic reversals, archives -- Geomagnetic secular variation -- Geomagnetic spectrum, spatial -- Geomagnetic spectrum, temporal -- Geomagnetism, history of -- Gilbert William (1544-1603) -- Gravitational torque -- Gravity-inertio waves and inertial oscillations -- Grüneisen's parameter for iron and Earth's core -- Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) -- Hansteen, Christopher (1784-1873) -- Harmonics, spherical -- Harmonics, spherical cap -- Hartmann, Georg (1489-1564) -- Helioseismology -- Higgins-Kennedy paradox -- Humboldt, Alexander von (1759-1859) -- Humboldt, Alexander von and magnetic storms -- IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy -- Ideal solution theory -- IGRF, International Geomagnetic Reference Field -- Induction arrows -- Induction from satellite data -- Inhomogeneous boundary conditions and the dynamo -- Inner core anisotropy -- Inner core composition -- Inner core oscillation -- Inner core rotation -- Inner core rotational dynamics -- Inner core seismic velocities -- Inner core tangent cylinder -- Inner core, PKJKP -- Instrumentation, history of -- Interiors of planets and satellites -- Internal external field separation -- Ionosphere -- Iron sulphides -- Jesuits, role in geomagnetism -- Kircher, Athanasius (1602-1680) -- Langel, Robert A. (1937-2000) -- Laplace's equation, uniqueness of solutions -- Larmor, Joseph (1857-1942) -- Lehmann, Inge (1888-1993) -- Length of day variations, decadal -- Length of day variations, long term -- Lloyd, Humphrey (1808-1881) -- Magnetic anisotropy, sedimentary rocks and strain alteration -- Magnetic anomalies for geology and resources -- Magnetic anomalies, long wavelength -- Magnetic anomalies, marine -- Magnetic anomalies, modeling -- Magnetic domain -- Magnetic field of Mars -- Magnetic field of Sun -- Magnetic indices -- Magnetic mineralogy, changes due to heating -- Magnetic properties, low-temperature -- Magnetic proxy parameters -- Magnetic remanence, anisotropy -- Magnetic shielding -- Magnetic surveys, marine -- Magnetic susceptibility, anisotropy -- Magnetic susceptibility, anisotropy, effects of heating -- Magnetic susceptibility, anisotropy, rock fabric -- Magnetic susceptibility, low-field -- Magnetization, anhysteretic remanent (ARM) -- Magnetization, chemical remanent (CRM) -- Magnetization, depositional remanent (DRM) -- Magnetization, isothermal remanent (IRM) -- Magnetization, natural remanent (NRM) -- Magnetization, oceanic crust -- Magnetization, piezo-remanent -- Magnetization, remanent, application -- Magnetization, remanent, fold test -- Magnetization, thermoremanent (TRM) -- Magnetization, thermoremanent, in minerals -- Magnetization, viscous remanent (VRM) -- Magnetoconvection -- Magnetohydrodynamic waves -- Magnetohydrodynamics -- Magnetometers, laboratory -- Magnetosphere of the Earth -- Magnetostratigraphy -- Magnetotellurics -- Magsat -- Main field maps -- Main field modelling -- Main field, ellipticity correction -- Mantle, electrical conductivity, mineralogy -- Mantle, thermal conductivity -- Marine controlled source EM -- Matuyama, Motonori (1884-1958) -- Melting temperature of iron in the core, experimental -- Melting temperature of iron in the core, theory -- Microwave palaeomagnetic technique -- Nagata, Takesi (1913-1991) -- Natural sources for EM induction studies -- Neél, Louis (1904-2000) -- Non-dipole field -- Non-dynamo theories -- Norman, Robert (1560-1585) -- Observatories, overview -- Observatories instrumentation -- Observatories automation -- Observatories, intermagnet -- Observatories programme in Australia -- Observatories programme in the British Isles -- Observatories programme in France -- Observatories programme in USA -- Observatories in Antarctica -- Observatories in Benelux countries -- Observatories in Canada -- Observatories in China -- Observatories in East and Central Europe -- Observatories in Germany -- Observatories in India -- Observatories in Italy -- Observatories in Japan and Asia -- Observatories in Latin America -- Observatories in New Zealand and the South Pacific -- Observatories in Nordic countries -- Observatories in Russia -- Observatories in southern Africa -- Observatories in Spain -- Ocean, electromagnetic effects -- Oldham, Richard Dixon (1858-1936) -- Ørsted, Hans Christian (1777-1851) -- Oscillations, torsional -- Paleointensity, absolute, determination -- Paleointensity, absolute, techniques -- Paleointensity, relative, in sediments -- Paleomagnetic field collection methods -- Paleomagnetic secular variation -- Paleomagnetism -- Paleomagnetism, deep-sea sediments -- Paleomagnetism, extraterrestrial -- Paleomagnetism, orogenic belts -- Parkinson, Wilfred Dudley (1919-2001) -- Peregrinus, Petrus (c.