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1Large scale Rhodian sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman times = He megale ̄Rodiake ̄plastike ̄ton̄ Ellen̄istikon̄ kai Rom̄aikon̄ chronon̄ /Large scale Rhodian sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman times = ααααα/por Bairame,̄ Kalliope,̄Texto completo
Publicado 2017
Tesis Electrónico eBook -
2Large scale Rhodian sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman times = He megalē Rodiakē plastikē tōn Ellēnistikōn kai Rōmaikōn chronōn /Large scale Rhodian sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman times = Ἡ μεγάλη Ῥοδιακὴ πλαστικὴ τῶν ̔Ελληνιστικὼν καὶ Ῥωμαϊκῶν χρόνων /por Bairamē, KalliopēTexto completo
Publicado 2017
Electrónico eBook